Wind: Wind is one of the biggest factors in the formation of the Maldives. As we all know the Maldives consists of massive amounts of coral composition that creates the atolls we see today. But did you know that the wind is the determining factor to where the coral grows and dies? The picture below shows that the wind is shifting the wave patterns around the island. In turn the side that has more wind stimulates a better environment for the coral to grow on.
Physical Geology: Charles Darwin suggested the islands were created from submerged volcanoes which eventually rose in time. But in recent times the a geologist named Hans Hass created another theory in which he proposes that the structure of the islands are submerged volcanoes that never surfaced but were coated with dead coral that over time built up on top of one another to create these islands.
- Ancient rock
- Coral Rubble base
- Living coral.
Above is Vilingili Island the highest point in the Maldives with a whopping 2.4 meters above sea level!!!
Climate and Location: The Maldives are located in the the southwest region of the Indian sea only 250 miles away from India itself. The climate is constantly around 77 degrees to 85 degrees F. The Maldives have 2 seasons Monsoon and Dry. The Monsoon season generally is from May till October and Dry is from November till April. Due to low rainfall during the normal season the humidity is reduced making it the perfect hot spot for a vacation.
Hass vs Darwin
Reef Evolution