Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Final Blog: The future of the Maldives

The Maldives as a nation have a great economy, government, and beautiful landscapes but going through evidence of climate change and rising sea levels will the Maldives be enveloped by the ocean once more? As most continents and landmasses gradually shift and change throughout several thousand to millions of years the Maldives could quite possible disappear in our lifetime.

In my previous blogs I have listed things such as climate change, biological structure of how these atolls were made. If you look carefully you notice how in each blog rising sea levels was a huge factor on the future of these Atolls.

Various things that are affected due to sea level rising:

-Bio erosion -Bio-erosion is a biological force which could be animals, waves, etc. Anything that can break down and structure. Bio erosion is a huge part of how these islands form and which helps shape the landmass. In time Bio-erosion will no longer be relevant due to to higher sea elevation.

- Coral structures that are the foundation of the Maldives become bleached and eventually die off. This is a problem because the structure of the atolls will change dramatically which in turn will stop the production of landmass.

The UN's enviromental panel has warned that, at current rates the sea level would be high enough to make the Maldives uninhabitable by 2100. The oceans are rising by 9mm per year, meaning the islanders will have to abandon their homes by the end of the century. With this gruesome statistic we need to realize that geographical landscapes can shift very rapidly and constantly. Whether it be because of pollution or a catastrophic event atolls like the Maldives are always in danger of becoming enveloped by the ocean.








